The Future Of Employment With Technology

This webinar discusses remote work, digital collaboration tools, and attitudes toward the workplace with technology.

How To Manage Your Smartphones Storage

Do you ever wonder what your phone storage capacity is? In this session, our teen tech mentors will show you different techniques to declutter and organize your device, including deleting unnecessary files and apps and optimizing settings for maximum storage space to keep your smartphone running smoothly.

How To Create An Email Account

In this webinar, our teen tech mentors will show you how to create an email account, from choosing a secure password to navigating the platform.

Aging In Place With Smart Glasses

Smart glasses can enhance older adults’ daily activities with augmented reality features, such as real-time translation or navigation. In this session, our teen tech mentors will explore how smart glasses can provide hands-free access to information.

Smart Clothing For Older Adults

Smart clothing with embedded sensors can monitor vital signs, such as heart rate and respiration, and alert caregivers or healthcare providers if there are any abnormalities. In this session, our teen tech mentors will explore how smart clothing can track vital signs, monitor posture, and adjust temperature or pressure, among other functions, to enhance comfort and performance.

Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS)

In this session, our teen tech mentors will discuss Personal emergency response systems (PERS) devices, such as medical alert bracelets or pendants, which can allow older adults to call for help in case of an emergency or fall.

Smartwatches for older adults

Smartwatches with health monitoring features can help older adults track their fitness and health goals. In this session, our teen tech mentors will introduce the features of smartwatches, including fall detection, heart rate monitoring, medication reminders, and GPS tracking, which can help older adults stay independent and safe.

Gardening with technology

In this webinar, our teen tech mentors will demonstrate how to optimize your garden’s growth and sustainability using cutting-edge technologies, whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out.

Access your medical records with MyChart

In this webinar, our teen tech mentors will show you the convenient solution for accessing your medical records effortlessly with MyChart.

Grocery shop with Instacart

In this webinar, our teen tech mentors will show you how to navigate Instacart seamlessly, optimize your shopping lists, and leverage features for maximum convenience.