Smishing: phishing vía texto

Durante este seminario web en español de Cyber-Seniors, damos un vistazo a uno de los tipos de ataque Phishing, Smishing, el envío de SMS por parte de ciberdelincuentes a usuarios; simulando ser una entidad legítima y cuyo objetivo es obtener información privada o defraudar económicamente. Grabado 2/2/2023

iPhone Tips and Tricks

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors will discuss some useful tips and tricks for iPhone users, such as how to adjust brightness, font size and keyboard placement, how to access Apple Wallet, Apple Health and Siri, how to take screenshots and scan documents, and much more! If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on 06/27/2022

Uber: Ride Share App

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors tell us all about Uber, a popular ride sharing app that lets you get picked off and dropped wherever and whenever. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on 05/16/2022

OneDrive: Cloud Storage for Microsoft Accounts

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors will demonstrate how to use the cloud storage platform OneDrive to store, access and share files from any device, anywhere. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on 01/13/2022