Windows PC Settings

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors demonstrate how to access, navigate and adjust the settings of your Windows computer, in order to customize it to your preferences. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on 01/27/2022

Mac Computer Settings

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors provide a thorough demonstration of how to access, navigate and adjust the settings of your Mac computer, in order to customize it to your preferences. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on 01/26/2022

How to use Bluetooth Technology

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors talk about how bluetooth technology can be used to exchange data between fixed and mobile devices, such as connecting your smartphone or laptop to a speaker or pair of headphones. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on 12/27/2021

What to Consider When Creating an Email

During this Cyber-Seniors webinars tech mentors walk you through what should consider when setting up a new email and the pros and cons of different email servers. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on 12/20/2021

Keyboard Shortcuts for PC and Mac

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors explain how to use « hotkeys, » or keyboard shortcuts, to conduct tasks like copying, pasting, selecting, and cutting text on both Mac and Windows computers. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on 12/13/2021

Smartphone Accessibility Settings

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors will explain how to alter your smartphone or tablet’s settings to make it more accessible and user-friendly, including adjusting brightness, text size, and enabling closed captioning. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on 11/15/2021

How to Backup Your Smartphone

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors explain how to easily backup your iPhone or Android smartphone so that your information is safe. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded 10/14/2021

Comment Désencombrer vos Appareils

Au cours de ce séminaire web Cyber-Seniors, on partage des trucs et astuces pour nettoyer l’espace, désencombrer les données et mieux organiser les fichiers et les dossiers sur votre ordinateur, téléphone portable et tablette.

Enregistré 09/21/2021

Comment Prendre une Capture d’Écran

Au cours de ce webinaire Cyber-Seniors, nous vous enseignons à prendre des captures d’écran (aussi connues comme saisies d’écran ou « screenshots ») sur différents appareils technologiques afin de prendre, d’enregistrer et de partager des photos de ce qui s’affiche sur votre écran.

Enregistré 09/10/2021

How to Clear Cache

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors explain what cache files are on your tech devices and how to empty them in order to free up storage space. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on 09/09/2021