Google Drive App for Smartphones and Tablets

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors talk about how to access the Google Drive application from your smartphone or tablet. You can use it to easily create new files and folders and access your existing ones on the go through your Google account.

Recorded on 05/11/2021

How to Use Shared Drives: Google Drive

What are shared drives? A shared drive, like Google Drive, is a place where you can securely store your pictures, documents, and other files on the internet and access them from any device.

Introduction to Google Slides

What Is Google Slides? Google Slides is a Cloud-based presentation program used for creating PowerPoint presentations.

Introduction to Google Sheets

How to use Google Sheets? This is very similar to the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, it allows you to do many things such as calendars and budgets.

How to Use Google Scholar

What is Google Scholar? Google Scholar is a free academic search engine that prioritizes showing results through articles, reports, online books and much more. Google Scholar narrows down its results to more academic and verifiable sources of information.

How To Use Google Photos

How to use Google Photos? Google Photos is a photo sharing and cloud-based storage service. Allows you to safely store your pictures in the cloud, if your computer breaks, your pictures are safe and can be download to your new computer.

How To Use Google Docs

What is Google Docs? Share either your whole desktop or a portion of you screen. This allows more than one person to work on a shared document at the same time.

How to Use Google Calendar

How do you use a Google Calendar? Google Calendar can be used to schedule events and meetings. It can be connected to your Gmail account if you have one and it can automatically import events from your inbox so you don’t have to worry about entering them in manually.

Les Extensions Chrome

Ce webinaire fournit des informations sur les extensions que vous pouvez ajouter à Chrome, y compris pourquoi les extensions sont utiles et comment obtenir/utiliser des extensions sur Chrome.

Enregistré 06/07/2022

How to Use Google Arts & Culture

What is Google Arts & Culture? Google Arts & Culture is a website and app that can be used to explore art, history, historical figures and wonders of the world.