Tayasui Sketches: Digital Drawing

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors will talk about Tayasui Sketches: an app you can get on your smartphone or tablet that allows you to create unique and realistic drawings. Let out your inner artist and share your digital masterpieces with your loved ones! If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on Aug 22, 2022 04:00 PM ET

How to Listen to Podcasts

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar we will discuss what podcasts are and go in depth on how to listen to them using various platforms. Podcasts are a useful way to listen to episodic commentaries, audiobooks, biographies and radio shows hands free. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on Sep 12, 2022 04:00 PM ET

Protecting and Disposing Information

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors elaborate on the various methods of hiding, protecting and disposing sensitive information. While using both android and apple devices in this presentation, they examine various pieces of information such photo’s, documents, contact information and passwords. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on Wed, Sep 7, 4pm ET


During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors discuss what a VPN is, its relevance today, how to use the software and where to buy one. VPNs protect client information while browsing the internet, but it should also be noted that they have password and document protection capacities. It will be highlighted that some of these providers can provide services for everything discussed previously this week. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on Thu, Sep 8, 4pm ET

Managing Passwords

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors go into detail about what password managers are, how to use them, how secure they are and the various providers that exist for this service. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on Sep 6, 2022 04:00 PM ET

Photo & Video Memory Apps

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors will go over a few different free smartphone applications and websites, like 1 Second Every Day and Animoto, that allow you to use clips and photos to create unique videos of special memories. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on Thu, Aug 25, 4pm ET

What to Consider When Buying New Tech

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors will give an overview of what you should consider when buying new technological devices like smartphones and laptops. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on Fri, Sep 2, 4pm ET


During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors will discuss the popular social media platform Twitter, its uses and benefits, and how to create and navigate an account. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on Tue, Aug 30, 4pm ET


Given that ads are omnipresent while using the internet, ad blockers are an extremely relevant tool to have in anyone internet browser. This session will discuss what they are, how they work, the various providers and how to equip them on to a web browser. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on Fri, Sep 9, 4pm ET

News Apps

During this Cyber-Seniors webinar, our teen tech mentors will review different mobile applications that let you check the most recent local and international news in order to stay informed, such as Google News, Apple News, and TLDR World News. If you enjoyed this video, please give it a like and subscribe to our channel for more helpful tech sessions!

Recorded on Mon, Aug 29, 4pm ET