Cyber-Seniors has worked with dozens of organizations and government agencies to deliver digital equity services and training and has a specialty in working with BEAD funded programs and medicare advantage plans. We provide digital readiness assessments, technology training and education resources to help any community bridge the digital divide and meet the CMS literacy screening and education requirements.

Digital Readiness Assessment

Our custom Digital Readiness Assessment is an over-the-phone assessment, carried out by Cyber-Seniors’ experienced technology trainers to determine your members’ digital literacy skills, barriers to learning, learning style and overall interest in advancing technology skills. This information is used to develop a personalized training plan.

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Custom Training Webinars

Cyber-Seniors will deliver live, virtual technology training webinars for your members. Webinars will include a formal presentation followed by a Q & A session for attendees. The presentation portion of the webinar will be recorded and lightly edited for resharing and posting on your website or social media platforms.

See our work

Custom Training Videos

Cyber-Seniors will produce branded, custom training videos that teach older adults how to access your web-based products, services and resources. Content is presented in an easy-to-understand format that specifically addresses the learning styles of older adults.

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Virtual Communities

Cyber-Seniors will create a branded virtual training and resource landing page for your members. The page will include links to Cyber-Seniors’ daily webinars, a portal to book personal virtual training and support sessions, a dedicated telephone support line as well as links to your organization’s custom content and resources.

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Train the Trainer Programs

Cyber-Seniors Certification and Licensing Programs equip individuals and organizations with the skills and resources necessary to deliver accessible and effective technology training and support for older adults.

Train the Trainer Programs

Contact Us

We work with organizations wishing to be part of the U.S. government's BEAD Program to provide programs to older adults to increase their digital equity and reduce their social isolation. Complete the form below to contact us.