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Tech Drop-In

Have a quick question? Join us for our tech drop-in Thursdays at 2pm ET. Come with your questions and our volunteers will do their best to answer them. If we […]

How to Create a Legacy Video

In this session, our teen tech mentors will go over how to create a legacy video and all of the various platforms/features that can be used for more compelling videos. […]

Exercise Class (Fridays)

*Note: This registration is for ALL Friday sessions. Once registered, join each Friday through same Zoom invitation email. Fridays: ChairOne Fitness 

Guided Meditation

Every Tuesday and Friday at 11:30am Eastern Time. Register once to attend any session. Once registered, join each Tuesday or Friday through same Zoom invitation email. 

How to Sync Photos to the Cloud

In this session, our teen tech mentors will show you how to sync photos to the cloud through different devices and applications.